Новости01 октября 2019
New season of English Speaking Clubs starts on 01 October!
International resource center of the Research library (IRC) of Tomsk State University invites you to a new season of English speaking clubs. If you have news to spread, experience to share of staying in other countries and studying abroad, your research achievements-all this can be done within English Speaking Clubs. Participation in the English speaking club will allow you to overcome the so called "language barrier", communicate with native speakers, find friends in international environment, share your international experience and realize that there are no barriers in languages. Our goal is communication. So, Do Speak English! When to come:
Where to come: TSU Research library, new building, 3rd floor, international resource center, English reading room. Condition: Optimum Reader Card NB TSU. Follow the news in TSU Research library group: VKontakte: https://vk.com/libtsu VKontakte: https://vk.com/irc_libtsu Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/libtsu/ For any questions, please contact the English reading room. Tel: (+73822) 78-51-03. RSS подписка на новости Научной библиотеки